OK, didn't mean to fully take inspiration from Twilight actors that is just the way it happened. Saying that, if I went the whole hog the chest and thighs of Ben Cohen wouldn't go a miss either
Anyway, side tracked, only I can link in sexy men with de-cluttering of a wardrobe!
Today clothes and bedding, tomorrow CD and DVD's. I will see if the little music magpie will take any. I may get a whole 50p back.
What else has been happening in my life in the past week. Well, no smokes, cut down coffee to about 1 cup a day.. Sometimes I have none and them I also have the every depressing diet. Believe me I am like a bear with a sore head. I am starting to think that maybe the diet isn't the way to go. If I want muscle mass etc I think the exercise needs to improve not cut down on the amount I eat. As my knee is still knackered running is still out. The problem with a knee without it's own shock absorber is that it is very difficult to do any exercises that require bending of the knee. Maybe I will become top heavy and one of these people that walk around like a Neanderthal that can't put his arms by his side. I have to get something done before my trip to Estonia in July...
Aaaaaaaaanywho, I have had a sufficient rest and now will get back to the clutter obliteration. Next blog I feel a set of challenges coming on...
Till then