Sunday, 11 March 2012

So..What now!

My last blog all these months ago, I said I would set some challenges... Do you know what.. I can't be bothered ;-)

That seems to be me in general the last couple of months.  I have the motivation aspiration of a squashed frog! Maybe the first challenge is to motivate myself.  Now where did I put that Paul McKenna CD.  Since we last spoke, well I type, you read (or not and I may just be talking to myself) I have had the long awaited operation on my knee.  I can't use that as an excuse not to exercise anymore however, it falls back into the motivational mindset.  I probably have not said it enough but I am so thankful for all my friends that rallied around to make sure I was OK afterwards.. It was very much appreicated :-)  I do feel that I have let some friendships slide though.  This is not intentional, and I shall try and make a bigger effort.

My weekends, as one of my friends pointed out seems to be dominated by housework.  It is not that I live in a messy flat, it just keeps me occupied.  Trying to find things to occupy myself is not easy.  I like it when friends and I meet up for coffee and a chat, it makes me feel like part of society.  I have even seem to have lost the ability to cook at a weekend as I used to. 

Even Firework from Katy Perry made me well up.  I have never watched the video before, or actually listened to the words.  I'm so sad haha!!  If you haven't seen it.. Here it is

This motivational thing is a bugger!!!

To cheer myself up, here is a nice picture of Mr Hemsworth!

Till next time

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